Dental Crown Lengthening

Dental Crown Lengthening Procedure

Is dental crown lengthening a necessary or viable option? There are many effective and useful benefits associated with dental crown lengthening. It is a very versatile and common procedure. Most people who have experienced this type of surgery are very happy and quite pleased with the outcome.

Dental Crown Lengthening Procedure Westcoast Dental Clinic

Cosmetic Procedure

Dental crowns were designed to cover and protect your compromised tooth or teeth. It is a well-established, common and considered a permanent restoration technique. By capping your natural tooth or teeth, a crown effectively improves the strength, appearance and integrity of your pearly whites. Depending on your situation, oral condition and of course before crowning your tooth, dental surgery may be needed.

In preparation for a restorative or cosmetic procedure, crown lengthening is a preferred and viable option. It’s usually performed to improve the health of the gum tissues.

Gummy Smile - Dental Crown Lengthening

Furthermore, where teeth are concealed by extra gum tissues and a "gummy smile" situation is present. Dental crown lengthening, if performed by a skilled dentist, can easily correct the issue. This treatment can be used on a solitary tooth, several teeth or the entire gum line. Crown lengthening reveals more of your natural tooth by reshaping or re-contouring gum tissue and bone. With the primary objective of creating a smile that is aesthetically pleasing and highly satisfying.

When is it appropriate to consider a dental crown lengthening procedure?

  • Dental crowns: In order to provide added space between the supporting jawbone and dental crown. Crown lengthening serves as an effective, viable option and remedy. Thus preventing a new crown from negatively impacting bone and gum tissues once it’s been placed in its new position.
  • Restoration of damaged teeth: When your tooth or teeth have been broken under the gum line. Crown lengthening can be used to prepare the damaged area for restoration and to improve the natural look of your teeth. Trauma, decay and periodontal disease wreak havoc with your teeth and over time will cause unnecessary damages to your oral health. The dental crown lengthening process will insure and support the highest performance from your dental restoration work. However, the ultimate longevity and outcome you enjoy will be based mainly on your home care and continued oral health.
  • Cosmetic uses: In order to restore a natural, balanced look and improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile. It is imperative that you remove all excess gum tissues. These extra tissues can make your teeth un-naturally short and can contribute to your susceptibility to periodontal infections.
  • When there is minimal tooth structure remaining: For a crown to be placed properly and effectively above the gum line, crown lengthening is the best option. There needs to be an actual space between where the bone under the gums begins and where the crown ends. If treatment is not performed it’s likely you’ll experience constant gum irritation and bleeding around the crown. This will be caused by a disturbance-damage resulting from the biologic distance. In order to insure that you are receiving the best and most skilled support for the procedure, usually a periodontist is your best ally. The Westcoast International Dental Clinics in Vietnam have assembled a team of internationally trained specialists. Who are well experienced in crown lengthening treatments and other restorative procedures!

What happens when a dental crown lengthening procedure is performed?

In most cases local anesthetic is used when a crown lengthening procedure is performed. The time required for this procedure depends on how many teeth are involved. Another factor is whether or not bone needs to be removed, in addition to the removal of soft tissue. Existing dental crowns will of course be removed before the procedure and will be re-installed, re-placed thereafter.

Dental Crown Lengthening Procedure Westcoast Dental Clinic

Sometimes it works out, that only a small amount of tissue is removed. Thus providing enough tooth coverage for the placement of a crown. In other cases, it may be necessary for your dentist to extract a minor amount of bone from around your teeth. The bone removal process is usually accomplished by using both special hand tools and rotary instruments.

Your specialist will begin treatment by making several small incisions around the soft tissue which separate the gums from your teeth. This step allows space for your dentist to attain easy access to the roots of the teeth and underlying bone. Essentially, if only one tooth requires re-contouring, the adjoining teeth are usually impacted and treated to provide a more natural looking re-shaping.

Once your teeth have been sufficiently exposed to the satisfaction of your dentist, he will clean and sterilize the incision site. Immediately thereafter, the gum tissues will be sutured using small stitches. Because of the repositioning of your gums, your teeth will look considerably longer post op.

The surgical site will be secured using an intraoral (periodontal) bandage, which will help preclude the onset of infection. Your dentist will provide you with a prescription for pain mitigation if necessary or if you request one. He’ll also recommend a chlorhexidine (antimicrobial) oral rinse. To help reduce the spread of any bacteria that may be trying to find a home. The wound should be completely healed (barring any complications) within two – three months or so.

Dental Crown Lengthening Procedure Westcoast Dental Clinic

Follow Up with Westcoast Dental

For more information about dental crown lengthening, or if you have any questions pertaining to other dental restoration treatments and procedures! Please feel free to contact one of the Westcoast International Dental Clinics near you! Our highly trained staff will assist you in determining which treatment options or procedures are best for you.

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